Sunday, June 3, 2012

15-16 March 2012 Bradley Manning Hearings

Live Tweets from Ft. Meade, MD by David F. Powell
  1. DavidFPowell
    9:00 a.m. We are in the Press Pool at Ft. Meade waiting the court proceedings to begin. I am tweeting in order to give quick info until (1/2
  2. DavidFPowell
    Once you are on base and have gone through the gauntlet of security measures, the staff are actually quite pleasant and accommodating.
  3. DavidFPowell
    I am Tweeting Live from the Press Pool....
  4. DavidFPowell
    9:32 a.m. In the live feed from the courtroom, we can see that they are preparing the seating for those to testify. Microphones are readied
  5. DavidFPowell
    Staff here say that there is a smaller turnout here in the Press Pool than during the previous arrainment. Not surprising, given the ...(1/2
  6. DavidFPowell
    (2/2 the very difficult process of procuring credentials from the Media Desk here at the base. Most of my e-mails were returned; calls: none
  7. DavidFPowell
    9:38 a.m. The lights have been dimmed and we anticipate ..... court begins "All rise."
  8. DavidFPowell
    Mr. Coombs is Mr. Manning's lead counsel.
  9. DavidFPowell
    9;40 Judge does "Housekeeping," re-hash of previous proceeding.
  10. DavidFPowell
    I should remind you that I am reporting exclusively for Frontline Club UK. Many thanks to Mr. Vaughan Smith, Founder.
  11. DavidFPowell
    9:43 a.m. Bradley Manning is seated next to his counsel, Mr. Coombs. He is looking healthy and his hair seems longer and less militar-esque
  13. DavidFPowell
    9:48 a.m. The Judge acknowledges the defense motion to compel discovery and trial schedules (standard).
  14. DavidFPowell
    Erratic camera work in the coutroom. Good close-ups of the Judge, few of Manning.
  15. DavidFPowell
    Mr. Coombs confir s the gov't have delivered on its Due Diligence requirements
  16. DavidFPowell
    The Judge asked the defense if they had received the 3 million pages/100,000 docs of evidense from the gov't. The answer: no.
  17. DavidFPowell
    9:57 a.m. The court is still doing "Housekeeping," re-hashing issues from the last proceeding.
  18. DavidFPowell
    Mr. Manning is smiling and interacting with his counsel. He seems animated and engaged.
  19. DavidFPowell
    The gov't is addressing issues of evidence that is Classified material and whether that material is suitable for release, in its entirety (1
  20. DavidFPowell
    Judge says she understands the case deserves speedy trial, yet a balance is necessary when also asking for time to file voluminous docs.
  21. DavidFPowell
    10:07 a.m. Judge re-reads the formal charges, including "Aiding the Enemy."
  22. DavidFPowell
    The audio and video feed here is priimitive, at best. There is an audio -delay which is distracting.
  23. DavidFPowell
    10:13 a.m. Throughout these lulls in the courtroom I will... court recessed
  24. DavidFPowell
    While the court is in brief recess, I'll describe the atmos. Surprisingly poor in attendance, to begin with. That a trial of this (1/2)
  25. DavidFPowell
    I was reprimanded for Tweeting DURING the legal proceedings. I didn't know. Lucky audience, though.
  26. DavidFPowell
    I am Tweeting a quick summary during the break...Mr. Coombs (defense counsel) tries painfully to explain to the court that a distinction 1/2
  27. DavidFPowell
    2/2 must be made: Gov't is too VAGUE and overly broad when using terms like stolen. Do they mean converted, purloined, stolen?
  28. DavidFPowell
    Gov't says NO distinction between those terms. Coombs argues that the defense MUST have clarity in definitions in order to proceed.
  29. DavidFPowell
    Judge offers a weak comparison to "having, possessing, getting" when all refer to illegal acquisition. Tepidly received by gov't & defense.
  30. DavidFPowell
    Coombs asks whether gov't suggests software allegedly used by BM, illegally, was already on the computer? Desktop? How was access violated?
  31. DavidFPowell
    Judge seemed confused, and said as much, when Coombs stated--(paraphrasing) How was software obtained? Was it there? Did BM violate access?
  32. DavidFPowell
    Judge seemed to think the question was about the METHOD in which the software was installed (Paraphrasing) Laughter in the Press Pool.
  33. DavidFPowell
    The above issues all pertain to CONDUCT and defense says the term is too broad when access to software and its origination are in question
  34. DavidFPowell
    Soon to return from break: 11:41 Next: Motion to Compel Discovery
  35. DavidFPowell
    BREAKING! CIA's Wikileaks Task Force HAS completed Damage sSssessment and it is classified
  36. DavidFPowell
    The Government's Damage Assessment is NOT yet completed. DOJ does NOT do Damage Assessment
  37. DavidFPowell
    Coombs files motion to dismiss. Handed directly to judge. She first want to read it.
  38. DavidFPowell
    I just walked in on a uniformed man giving an explaination of the proceedings, so far.
  39. DavidFPowell
    We're TOLD the judge will read and consider the motion with the likelihood of a "917" another remedy that dismisses SOME
  40. DavidFPowell
    So far the calendar has given about 2 weeks to respond (motion)
  41. DavidFPowell
    Procedures for releasing classified information under 505 is fluid and must be determined by the judge. Defense argues this should have (1/2
  42. DavidFPowell
    been done LONG before. Coombs gives an analogy of baking a cake, finding it needs eggs half way through baking and wanting to plop eggs atop
  43. DavidFPowell
    Human note: Bradley Manning sitting, leafing, stroking through counsels note book unconsciously, in aelf-soothing, comforting manner.
  44. DavidFPowell
    Back tracking: Quantico Videos requested by defense. Gov't claims SPECIFIC video(s) do not exist.
  45. DavidFPowell
    Best line today Judge: "I'm new. Who is Adrian Lamo?"
  46. DavidFPowell
    It appears a supreme effort is made to keep Manning off and out of camera range, except at the longest and most distant shots.
  47. DavidFPowell
    Second Best Line Today Judge: "...Can't find the Manuel for Court Marshall. Oh, there it is."
  48. DavidFPowell
    Coombs: Gov't does NOT understand its obligations under the Bradey Standard
  49. DavidFPowell
    Coombs claims gov't is focusing on Production, rather than Discovery
  50. DavidFPowell
    Coombs makes claim that the software for mIRC Chat is/was added to computers REGULARLY under direction of OIC as Mission Essential
  51. DavidFPowell
    Some other observations, since we're on break: Shocking to me that so few are in the courtroom from the public.
  52. DavidFPowell
    20 more could easily fit in the room, comfortably. I wonder if lack of response from Public Affairs and Media Desk discouraged.
  53. DavidFPowell
    Coombs wants transcript of Gates' public statement on damages created/not created
  54. DavidFPowell
    Secretary Clinton's public statements requested as well.
  55. DavidFPowell
    The CIA's WTF (Wikileaks Task Force) has completed its Damage Assessment and the findings are classified.
  56. DavidFPowell
    Press Pool atmos much more relaxed as we break for lunch. More chat amongst peers normally v., v. competitive.
  57. DavidFPowell
    Court proceedings resume at 3:00 EDT (15.00) Next: Motion to Compel Deposition. Arguments will be made on WHO should be deposed
  58. DavidFPowell
    By the way, Please RT these proceedings. Thank you.
  59. DavidFPowell
    Clark Stoeckley (Wikileaks Truck) is creating some stunning courtroom sketches
  60. DavidFPowell
    Arrived on base with Alexa D. O'Brien and Clark Stoeckley in a car emblazoned with giant Wikileaks magnetic signs (enrobed, is more like it)
  61. DavidFPowell
    As our vehicle was searched at entrance we were told we could not be admitted with these signs on the vehicle. Sally's Landscaping sailed in
  62. DavidFPowell
    Alexa was wearing a couture racing jacket with Wikileaks Race Team and Frontline Club logos.
  63. DavidFPowell
    Court resumes in 5-minutes. Next: Motion to Compel Deposiotion
  64. DavidFPowell
    Please read (re-read) the previous Tweets and RT while the court is in session. Thank you.
  65. DavidFPowell
    Random shots around courtroom: Bradley sits alone while counsel stand; go through papers.
  66. DavidFPowell
    Judge says "Issues under advisement until tomorrow."
  67. DavidFPowell
    The issues being the 13 OCAs for deposition
  68. DavidFPowell
    We about to be escorted off base, starting in 5-minutes. Groups of 5 will be escorted at a time, with the room remaining open untilm 5:00 pm
  69. DavidFPowell
    Thank you all for following the proceedings today. We will be enriching the info later this evening. Also, follow @carwinb for fab news.
  70. DavidFPowell
    Please follow again tomorrow, Friday. Court begins at 10:00 a.m. EDT, but we will be doing live video from outside the base earlier.
  71. NEXT DAY MARCH 16th 2012
  72. DavidFPowell
    Good morning. We are in place for Day 2 of the Bradley Manning Hearings at Ft. Meade.
  73. DavidFPowell
    Today's legal proceedings WILL address the two issues, of discovery and depositions.
  74. DavidFPowell
    PLZ RT During the proceedings, please visit for great video, interviews, and a recap of yesterdays proceedings.
  75. DavidFPowell
    Todays proceedings begin at 10:00 a.m. EDT
  76. DavidFPowell
    BREAKING! Todays proceedings postponed until 1:00 p.m. EDT (13.00)
  77. DavidFPowell
    I decided to leave the Press Pool this morning and go to the courtroom However, after an hour wait we were told there would be a delay. 1:00
  78. DavidFPowell
    Outside the Magistrate court, there's a tent structure running the length of the bldg. to serve/hide the arrivals of key figures.
  79. DavidFPowell
    Shocking that there were only 15, or so people waiting to enter the actual courtroom as Public or Press.
  80. DavidFPowell
    The lack of attention/coverage of this case by press and interest by public is shameful.
  81. DavidFPowell
    I must tell you that after the hearing ended, I was chatting w/ a staff member in the courtroom, and when I was leaving, Bradley (1/2)
  82. DavidFPowell
    WE glanced at each other, as we could have touched. It was a very, very moving moment. I am sure I would have been stopped from passing...
  83. DavidFPowell
    BM looked directly at me and then at my Frontline Club press pass.
  84. DavidFPowell
    ...had they seen me coming. I have ALOT of observations to share with you when I am OFF BASE, as all our electronic communications seem....
  85. DavidFPowell
    I am so sorry I must delay further news as I'm so reluctant in this venue/context.
  86. DavidFPowell
    I will write a comprhensive report, that I promise, you will be enlightening, after we leave BASE. I regret the delay, but it is necessary.
  87. DavidFPowell
  88. DavidFPowell
    RT Please retweet all these messages, not for the sake of my coverage or "popularity," but to disseminate information not readily available
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